Motivation: Economy and ecology are both important for our region: Our rural area is characterized by agriculture, military bases and big companies like Rheinmetall. At the same time, nature reserves, forests and heather are dominant. We are aware of a recent development in the area: E.g. monocultural farming (e.g. corn to produce biogas) drives away animal and faunal species. Bees are endangered here. Wolf packs settled in the area which shows that ecology prospers but at the same time the wolf is causing a threat to farmers and their livestock. The obvious conflict between ecology and economy in the area triggered our motivation to start a project and become active, to engage and to motivate our students interest in Science, ICT and Arts. It is not only a local but a European and worldwide issue and therefore we are convinced that this is a project in which we need to work with other schools. Key people: Our school has a long history with European and international projects, especially with Comenius and Erasmus. Hence, we have a set team of teachers with a lot of experience in project management (Kristin, Bernd). 5 more teachers with different subjects and expertise are regular participants of these projects - Sciences included. With a school administration which supports these projects and with our established team, enough teachers can take over and also our young teaching staff is encouraged to join the Erasmus team. Experience, expertise: Besides our management and ICT skills (e.g. establishing project homepages) + our connections to Politicians, there are already different actions undertaken in the field of ecology and economy at our school: A former Erasmus+ project ("Energy in the Future") dealt with the different (sustainable) energy sources. We are active when it comes to recycling and donating to plant trees in the rainforest. We have a "green classroom" which can be used by every class, our school garden sells their own products and our small school company "CG-Honig" produces their own honey from our own beehive. Due to different activities we bear the title "Umweltschule" (Environmental School). Our "Jugend forscht" team (German contest for young scientists)" is very successful and always comes up with new ideas (e.g. to save energy). All our students participate in the "Nature-Experience-Days" in year six. Students engage in the action "Fridays for Future". This and much more shows that we are already very engaged in the respective field and that we have lots of experience and the staff that is willing to become active.