Christian-Gymnasium Hermannsburg, Germany Hermannsburg, which lies in the administrative district of Celle, is part of the region "Lüneburger Heide" and is situated between Hamburg and Hannover. About 8000 people live in our town. We are a secondary school in a rural area and 85 teachers educate a little more than 1000 students from year 5 to 13. After graduating, our students receive the general qualification for university entrance.
Sagrada Familia de Urgel, Spain Sagrada Familia de Urgel is a bilingual charter school located in a working class district (Puente de Vallecas, mainly inhabited by medium and low income families) in Madrid (with more than 5 million inhabitants in its greater area). There are approximately 1075 pupils aged 3 to 18 and more than 70 teachers.
Hedegaardskolen, Denmark Hedegaardsskolen is a public primary and secondary school located in the Municipality of Ballerup, which is a suburb 18 km from the centre of Copenhagen. Our school is intended for students between 6 and 16 years old. There are approximately 680 students at Hedegaardsskolen. 600 students attend regular classes from grade 0-9. We are 80 teachers together with 15 pedagogues and 20 leisure-time teachers working at the after school activity center. In the Municipality of Ballerup, we work towards the following goals: - all students experience optimal learning - everybody contributes to the community in school - the school masters innovation
Marnix College, Netherlands The Marnix College is a secondary school in the middle of the Netherlands with a population of 1300 students and 100 teachers. The school is divided in three departments that teach different levels of education. The biggest part is the gymnasium (VWO) and TTO department (tto= education in two different languages). Then there’s a HAVO (Higher General Secondary Education/High school) and also a MAVO department. The last one is the smallest group of students (Lower General Secondary Education). We prepare its students for a choice to follow another higher education form that will teach them a profession.
I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie, Poland I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie is a high school that offers general education, prepares students to A-levels and university studies. Students, aged between 15 – 19, choose their major subjects and specialize in arts and/or science, and a foreign language. Our school community consists of c. 100 students and 20 teachers.
LICEUL TEORETIC "MIRON COSTIN" Founded in 1998, our school is located in Iasi, the second most populated city in Romania. We are responsible for the education of 1057 children, aged 6-18. The highschool is theoretical and comprises two profiles, each having 2 specializations: science (Mathematics-ITC and Earth studies), and Humanities (intensive English Philology and Social Studies). The teaching staff consists of 1 director, 1 deputy director, 54 teachers, 8 teaching aids and 12 non-academic staff.